- 鏡片–可更換近視光學鏡片或老花貼片鏡片 (度數資料請參閱規格說明)
- 鏡片-可更換防霧鏡片款 (ME55/AF)
- 鏡身–頂級透明水晶矽膠鏡身,柔軟又服貼,適合各種臉使用者
- 鏡帶–寬面積鏡帶及旋轉式邊扣,確保面鏡穿戴時的穩定性
- 耳罩–柔軟舒適的矽膠耳罩,有效阻隔水入侵耳內,防止細菌感染,並且可以降低水的壓力,當呼氣時,面罩內之空氣經由平衡管到達耳朵,產生內外壓力平衡,大幅減低耳膜受壓之不適感.
- 平衡管 耳壓平衡通氣管,連接面罩與耳罩之間,單向閥門控制,導引氣流由鼻子直通耳朵,以平衡耳壓.
- ProEar其他可選型號: ME80-CB, ME80-06, ME67-CB, ME59-CB (青少年款)
Available with Anti-fog lenses version (ME55/AF)
Available with optical lenses (OL55/OL55M)
- -1.0 to -8.0 in -0.5 decrement (also for tinted lens)
- +1.0 to +4.0 in +0.5 increment (not avaiable for tinted lens)
- Left / Right or tinted optical lenses are interchangeable.
Available with optical lenses stickers at the bottom of lens (OL55/S)
- +1.0 to +4.0 in 0.5 decrement.
- Left / Right lenses are NOT interchangeable.